Frequently Asked Questions
Before Booking
Q: Can I check if my preferred date and time are available for booking?
A: If the calendar for each program on the "Booking" page is selectable, you can click "Request to Book" to submit a booking request. After receiving your request, we will respond within 3 business days to inform you whether your booking can be accepted.
Q: Is my booking immediately confirmed upon application?
A: No, it is not immediately confirmed. It will be considered a request, and it may not always be possible to accommodate your preference. Your booking is confirmed upon our response.
Q: What if I cannot select my desired date on the calendar?
A: This situation may arise if the date is already fully booked, there are no plans for the tour on that day, or the online reception deadline has passed. Please consider another date or program, or contact us via the "Contact" section for further assistance.
Q: I have questions while considering my options.
A: Please feel free to reach out through the "Contact Form". Depending on the program and the nature of your inquiry, it may take a few days to respond.
Q: I didn't receive an auto-reply email after sending my booking request.
A: Several factors, such as your email service settings, security settings, domain-specific settings, or incorrect email address entry in the form, may prevent the auto-reply email from reaching you. Please check the following:
Have you entered the correct email address?
Is the email in your spam folder?
If you've entered an incorrect email address, kindly inform us of the correct one through "Contact Form."
After Booking Confirmation
Q: I want to change the booked program.
A: For changes in the number of participants, date, time, etc., please contact us directly.
Q: I want to cancel my booked program.
A: Please inform us directly if you wish to cancel. Cancellation is free until 8 days before the tour. For more details, please read our "Cancellation Policy". Our experience tours are authentic and provided by real artisans, monks, and geishas. Cancellations or changes made at the last minute may disrupt their main work. Your booking may have also led to adjustments in their primary jobs. We kindly ask for your respect and consideration for the artisans, monks, and geishas when booking. Thank you.
On the Day of the Experience
Q: What should I do if I'm running late for the gathering time?
A: If you anticipate being late, please contact us as soon as possible using the "Contact Form", email, or the chat service on our website. We will consider possible solutions based on your estimated delay. The contact details are provided in your booking confirmation.
Q: How can I ensure I arrive on time for the gathering?
A: To ensure timely arrival, we recommend the following:
Check the traffic situation before departure and plan to arrive with time to spare.
Verify the address of the gathering place and the nearest public transportation options in advance.
Aim to arrive at least 30 minutes before the gathering time, allowing a buffer for any unforeseen delays.
Q: Is lateness acceptable for private tours?
A: For private tours, slight delays may not affect the conduct of the tour, but it may not be possible to experience all planned activities or the duration of activities may be shortened. If you expect to be late, please contact us as soon as possible as mentioned above.
Q: What is the cancellation policy for being late?
A: Cancellations after the tour has started are not refundable. We request your preparation and planning to avoid being late. For more details, please refer to the "Cancellation Policy" section provided at the time of booking or on our website.
Q: What if I'm late due to unforeseeable circumstances like traffic jams?
A: If you're late due to unforeseeable circumstances and have informed us in advance, we will do our best to accommodate you. However, due to the nature of the tours and the impact on other participants, it may sometimes be necessary to forgo participation. We recommend planning with extra time in mind.
Q: What if I can't find the gathering place?
A: Please contact us directly using the "Contact Form", email, or the chat service on our website. We choose easily recognizable locations like stations for our gathering places, but if you're still unsure, please get in touch promptly.